October 12, 2011

4 months and 4 years

4 Months Old

If all kids were as easy as Graham then sign me up for a dozen! He's just that good! He's happy, adaptable, and carefree. He still loves his nighttime sleep, at 7 pm promptly! and he's still such a joy to be around.  At his last doc's appointment he weighted in like a champ at 17 lbs 9 oz, the 90th percentile, growing on his curve perfectly, so there's little to worry about other then the amount of our future grocery bills when he's a 6.2ft 200lb teenager.  Rolling over from his back to his tummy and sitting up (propped with his arms) are his new tricks for the month.  He's started to explore his excer-saucer and loves the freedom of "standing" and jumping around "on his own".  

Everything goes in his mouth these days, his favorite being his hands.  We are quickly learning that things are different this time around....  We are on constant watch for chocking hazards, aka his sister toys, whom ever designs these kids toys to be so small has never had a 4 year old and a 4 month baby in the same room at the same time.   
1 day old, 1 month old, 2 months old, 3 months old, 4 months old
Graham loves his sister and his dog, both are able to make him smile simply be entering the room. Graham is a thinker. He's pretty content with just sitting on the back porch looking up at the sky, watching the leaves blow around in the wind.  It's hard to say, but I'm pretty sure he'll love being outdoors as much as the rest of us. 

This fall we introduced him to a ski lift, the changing colors and lots of family picnics. He saw his first snow, had his first stomach flu and tried his first solid foods (so far his favorite by far is sweet potatoes).
4 Years Old
1 day old, 1 year old, 2 years old, 3 years old, 4 years old
Our "baby" is now 4 years old! In just a blink of an eye, she's turned from an infant into a little girl. She's tall dark haired and beautiful, in and out! She's stubborn and opinionated (she can thank me for that).  She wants what she wants, when she wants it and come hell or high water before she's going to give up.  But she also is smart and caring, sensitive and thoughtful, observant and almost unnaturally spatial (she can thank her dad for that).  She want's to be a butterfly teacher when she grows up (at her school the butterfly class is the infant classroom) and spends the majority of her free time teaching her toy animals, reading to them in "circle time" and taking them on walks or to the playground.  

She's just recently started writing her name, very well I might add. She can trace letters with great accuracy and has started "reading" books, from memory, to us at night.  She's a speed demon on her bike with training wheels and loves to dig in the dirt...building canals, bridges and houses out of just about anything she can find in the backyard (it's the engineer in her, just like grandpa).  She cherishes her 2 hours of screen time a week, which she fills with Bob the Builder, or Sunday morning cartoons.  She is a master on the iPhone and has her own apps on daddy's phone.  
Her teachers tell us daily how good of a helper she is and how pleasant she is to have in class.  She's still an amazing artist with a wild imagination. She tells us when she turns 16 she wants to drive a soft top Jeep.  When she's a big kid and moves out of the house, she plans to buy the house next door so she can have us (mom and dad) over for dinner ever night. When she has her own house,  she'll eat fruit loops breakfast and watch TV as much as she wants (obviously there are rules in our house that she could do without).  She's growing up fast, too fast, but it's such a pleasure to watch how she changes and how she discovers her world along the way.

It's pretty safe to say that Team Kirby has adjusted to our new member and is a fully functioning family... again. We're all a little older but non the less wiser.  

1 comment:

Julie said...

Fantastic! I love the progressive pictures of both kids. The change in Graham from newborn to 4 months old is astounding! They're both so precious.