April 27, 2011

Snow Bunny Easter

This years Easter celebrations, were close to home and quite. For the last 4 years we've either had Easter brunch at our house making eggs benedict with all the fixings for all our friends or we've gathered in the desert camping with friend making eggs benedict with all the fixings....have you caught on that I LOVE eggs benedict! The only other thing missing this year, other then our friends, was the mimosa! I also LOVE mimosas! But with baby brother baking in the oven we took it easy and experienced a whole new Easter in our own back yard.

Greta got spent Easter at Snowbird being a snow bunny!

She meet the Easter bunny...

found some of his eggs fill with goodies...

then spent the rest of the day skiing with Daddy!
She's really getting her ski legs this year!

I spent the day looking like the Easter bunny hid all of his eggs in my belly :)


Julie said...

Oh my goodness! So much excitement in the lives of the Kirbys. I truly love to see how much outdoor adventure you guys still manage to have. You're an inspiration. Greta is so precious. We really need to get her and Gavin together for a play date now and then. And I can't wait to meet that little boy! Best wishes for a smooth delivery!

Jason S. Alexander said...

You are all so stinkin' cute! What a big girl! I hope it works out this summer. Keep that kid in there until May 20th, it is a great day!
love, nick