December 7, 2008

It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas

There is no other holiday that makes me think of family more then the one quickly  approaching. Christmas was always the one time of year were my mom really "did it up"! 

Every square inch of our house was dripping with red, green and gold. Garland seemed to literally grow in our house, wrapping itself around every possible surface darning itself with lights, ribbon and pine-cones. A year rearly went by where my sister and I up weren't bundled up and packed into our Bronco 4X4,  bound for the Front Range Foothills and the nearest tree cutting area.  We would walk for what seemed to be miles to find that perfect tree. Perfect being defined by my mom as "That's it", no other question where asked.  
Even the year when the "That's it" was 26 feet tall (No really, picture the scene from Christmas Vacation, it was us). I always thought she was a crazy woman for spending so much time and energy just for a few days in December.  

But now as distance has placed itself between me and home and now that I have a home and family of my own,  there is nothing more that I long for then to fill my home with the same warmth and holiday cheer as that created by my mom.  

So, as the tradition stands, the week following Thanksgiving was spend sifting through the closet under the stairs in search for those magical boxes labeled "X-MAS", 
picking out the "That's it" tree and spending the rest of the day with holiday music filling the air while me and my family placed each memory filled ornament on the tree.   

I know that Thanksgiving is the time for saying "thanks" but for me it is the week after Thanksgiving that I feel so thankful.  Thankful that I grew-up in a warm and loving home, a home filled with memories and tradition that I am honored to continue and pass along to my own daughter.

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